Josh Gray / Resurrection - Classic Hymns For Funeral Services
Artist Josh Gray
Title Resurrection - Classic Hymns For Funeral Services
Format MP3
Released 2016
Label Micah Thompson
1. Abide With Me (2:32)
2. Amazing Grace (2:34)
3. Beautiful Savior (3:19)
4. Blessed Assurance (2:50)
5. Come Thou Fount Of Every Blessing (2:26)
6. Eternal Father Strong To Save (Navy Hymn) (2:35)
7. He Leadeth Me (3:12)
8. How Great Thou Art (4:03)
9. I Love To Tell The Story (3:04)
10. I Need Thee Every Hour (2:33)
11. In The Garden (2:54)
12. It Is Well With My Soul (3:28)
13. Just A Closer Walk With Thee (2:16)
14. Morning Is Broken (1:48)
15. Softly And Tenderly, Jesus Is Calling (2:46)
16. What A Friend We Have In Jesus (2:13)